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Growing Faith at Home Resource Evaluation Questionnaire
All of us were caught by surprise with the sudden move from "normalcy" to sheltering-in-place. Our goal at Advent was to keep our community connected to one another and supported with resources and online opportunities to help you continue to grow in faith. Overall we feel pretty good about what we've been able to accomplish together, but we know there is plenty of room for improvement. So, please take a few minutes to let us know you're thoughts on what has been provided and what we could be offering. We understand that none of us are going to use everything all the time, (we don't even do that with our family, and we make the material available), but we do hope that what we're spending time on is actually useful to some in supporting your faith during these strange times. So let us know what's been most helpful, let us know what you never use, and let us know if there's ways we can improve something to make it fit your needs better. Our goal is truly to spend our time working on things that you can use to support your faith and the faith of your family.
What we've been doing.
We've been offering daily devotions for families on our website by clicking the "Daily in God's Word" button. They feature a time of sharing highs and lows, reading a story from the Bible, talking about the story, praying together, and blessing one another.
How often do you use the "Daily in God's Word" devotions
A Couple Times Each Week
Once a Week
Almost never
Each Friday, you have received a simplified version of our Sunday School curriculum for you to use at home with your children.
How often do you use the At Home Sunday School materials?
Every week
Almost never
Each weekend, we have provided a link to download children's bulletins for your children to use during online worship or some other time during the week.
How often do you use the Children's Bulletins?
Every week
Almost never
Periodically, we have made packs of craft kits available for you to pick up at the church and use at home.
Have these craft kits been fun for your child(ren)?
We haven't used them
Indicates required field
What additional comments or suggestions can you share regarding these resources we've been providing?
Zoom Meet Ups
This week we've introduced STORYlife Sunday School Meet Ups on Zoom providing your child(ren) an opportunity to see and talk with their classmates and teachers.
How was this experience for your child(ren)
Loved it!
It was ok
It was difficult
Did not attend
We're considering doing more of these over the coming weeks. Are you interested?
If you said you're interested, what age groups are you interested in? Check all that apply.
Grades 6-9
Grades 3-5
Grades 1-2
Preschool - Kindergarten
What additional comments or suggestions can you share regarding Zoom groups?
New Ideas
We are considering offering Conversation Starters for you to use around the dinner table or at other times.
Would these be helpful to you and your family?
We probably wouldn't use them
We are also considering offering some Storytimes, where we would read a book for your children using some of the resources in our library from the Book Fairs we've hosted over the past few years. We would upload these Storytime videos to the YouTube channel and let you know when they are available.
Would these be helpful to you and your family?
We probably wouldn't "attend"
As we have said already, we want to be working on things that are helpful to you. Of course we can't come up with all the ideas ourselves. Is there anything additional we could provide or offer that would be a help to you as you continue to help your family grow in faith at home?
What ideas do you have to share?
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